Midstream Urine (Pediatric/Infant - Culture and Sensitivity)

Before You Start...

  • A urine sample collection bag, and a sterile plastic container for storage/transport of the urine sample will be provided.

Step 1
Wash your hands thoroughly.

Step 2
Cleanse the infant’s genital area with soap and water.

Step 3
Allow the newly cleansed area to air-dry. Do not wipe over the area to speed drying.

Step 4
Firmly attach the pediatric urine collection bag to the child’s genital area.

Step 5
Immediately after the infant voids into the collection bag, remove bag from infant and transfer the urine from the bag to the sterile container by cutting the corner of the U-bag with scissors and pouring the urine into the sterile container. It is important to transfer the urine into the sample container immediately after voiding to prevent contamination of the urine sample.

Step 6
Replace lid and tighten firmly.

Step 7
Wash and dry your hands thoroughly after collection.

Step 8
Label the container with the patient’s first and last name, MCP, date of birth, and the date and time of collection of the sample.

Step 9
For sanitary reasons, the container must be enclosed in a plastic biohazard bag.

Refrigerate the urine sample IMMEDIATELY and deliver to the Laboratory as soon as possible after completion of the collection.

Urine refrigerated for more than 24 hours cannot be used for “Culture” or “C & S” and will be rejected by the Laboratory.

You must present your MCP and your Requisition to the Laboratory Personnel