Midstream Urine (Cytology - with 2nd bottle)

Before You Start...

  • The specimen container contains a preservative. This preservative must not be emptied out.
  • The preservative is HARMFUL if ingested.
  • The preservative is HARMFUL if inhaled (open in well ventilated area).
  • If preservative comes in contact with eyes, rinse for 15 minutes under running water and seek medical attention.
  • If preservative is swallowed seek medical attention.
  • The preservative is HIGHLY FLAMMABLE, do NOT smoke near preservative.
  • Do not collect first morning void.
  • Collections should be approximately 3 hours after last void or second void of the day.


Step 1
When the urge to urinate arises, wash and dry your hands thoroughly.

Step 2
Use the sterile screw-cap container (without preservative) provided by the laboratory.

Step 3
Remove the pink lid on the container and set it aside.

Step 4
Pass a small amount of urine into the toilet.

Step 5
Midway through urination, fill the container to half full.

Step 6
Finish voiding into the toilet.

Step 7
Open the second container (with preservative) and pour an amount of urine equivalent to preservative into the container. NOTE: Do not urinate directly into the container.

Step 8
Replace the lid and tighten firmly.

Step 9
Discard any remaining urine left in the first container and discard the container. Wash and dry your hands thoroughly after collection.

Step 10
Label the specimen container with the following information - please use a lead pencil only for marking the requisition and specimen bottles!

  • The patient’s full name (as shown on their MCP card)
  • MCP number
  • doctor’s name
  • date of birth
  • The date and time of collection of the sample

Step 11
For sanitary reasons, the container must be enclosed in the plastic biohazard bag provided by the laboratory.

If multiple specimens are required, collect one per day on consecutive days. After the last specimen is collected, the samples and requisition must be returned to the out-patient clinic (in the plastic bag) ASAP.

Refrigerate the urine sample IMMEDIATELY and deliver to the Laboratory as soon as possible after completion of the collection.

- You must present your MCP and your Requisition to the Laboratory Personnel.

- This test may be required to be performed as a single test, duplicate, or in triplicate. After each collection the sample and the requisition must be returned to the out-patient clinic.

- Do not collect first morning urine. Collection should be approximately 3 hours after first urine or second urine of the day.