Stephenville, Stephenville Crossing, St. George's, Port Au Port Telephone Listings
Sir Thomas Roddick Hospital
Emergency 643-7467
Administration 643-5111 Ext 7233/7236 If Busy Call 643-7470
Admitting 643-7469
Diabetes Education 643-5111 Ext 7279/7280
Dietary Office 643-7472
Clinical Dietitian 643-7473
Education (Staff) 643-7476
Finance 643-7477
Foundation 643-7478
Health Records/Outpatients Appts 643-7479
Human Resources 643-7480
Infection Control 643-7496
Intensive Care 643-5111 Ext 7228
Medical Unit 643-7484
Renal Dialysis Ext 320 643-5111
Surgical Recovery Room 643-7486
Laboratory & X-ray Registration 643-5111 Ext 7246/7452
Laboratory Appointment Bookings 1-833-459-0873
Materials Management 643-5111 Ext 7204
Medical Imaging 643-7488
Nursing Administration 643-5111 Ext 7295/7410
Occupational Therapy 643-5111 Ext 7303
Pharmacy 643-7487
Physiotherapy 643-7491
Respiratory Therapy 643-7489
Security 643-7493
Social Work 643-7495
Staff Scheduling 643-5111 Ext 7267
Stress Test and EKG Appts 643-7482
Volunteer Resources 643-7497
Population Health (Community Based Services)
Montana Dr
Assertive Community Treatment Team 639-1723
Audiology (Hearing) 643-8690
Addictions/Mental Health/Sexual Abuse 643-8740 If Busy Call 643-8741
Child Management Specialists 643-8690
Community Support
Behaviour Management Specialist 643-8700
Occupational Therapy 643-8700
Social Worker 643-8700
Home Support/Continuing Care 643-8700
Social Worker Stephenville Crossing 646-3633
Continuing Care Nursing
Jeffrey's/Flat Bay 645-2540
Piccadilly/Lourdes/Cape St George 642-5772 If Busy Call 642-5804
Stephenville 643-8700
Stephenville Crossing/St George's 646-3400 Or 646-3060
Community Health & Family Services (Public Health Nursing)
Jeffrey's 645-2541
Piccadilly/Lourdes/Cape St George 642-5463
St. George’s 647-3851
Stephenville 643-8700
Stephenville Crossing 646-2762
Developmental Psychology 643-8690
Diabetes Education 643-8728
Health Promotion and Primary Health Care
Cervical Screening Initiatives 643-8716
Wellness Facilitator 646-3728
Hearing (Audiology) 643-8690
Mental Health & Addictions 643-8740
Regional Assessment/Placement 643-8713
Sexual Abuse Community Services 643-8740 If Busy call 643-8741
Speech-Language Pathology 643-8690
Bay St George Long Term Care Centre
General Inquiries 646-5800
Administration 646-3209
Business Office 646-3251
Chronic Care 646-3225
Facilities 646-3215
Human Resources 646-3237
Laundry 646-3258
North Wing 646-3243
Protective Care 646-3222
Recreation 646-3207
South Wing 646-3236
Staff Scheduling 646-3250
Volunteer Resources 646-3217
Emile Benoit House (Congregate Housing)
Outreach Client Area 646-3239
Medical Clinics
Bay St. George Medical Clinic 643-6635
St. George's Medical Clinic 647-3542
Stephenville Crossing Medical Clinic 646-2233