Corner Brook Telephone Directory

Western Memorial Regional Hospital (100 Health Care Crescent)

General Information/Switchboard: 784-5000
Ambulance: 911 (if busy call 634-5611)
Emergency: 784-5524
Poison Control: 634-7121

Admitting: 784-5362 
Adult Rehabilitation Unit: 784-2700 ext 2601 
Audiology and Speech Language Pathology: 784-5374 
Audiology (Hearing): 784-5374 
Behavior Management Specialist: 637-2611 
Breast Screening Clinic: 634-8558 (or toll free 1-800-414-3443) 
Cancer Centre - Western Region: 784-5476 
Cervical Screening Coordinator: 632-3008 
Child Development Team: 784-5284 
Child Management Specialists: 784-5284 
Communicable Disease Control: 784-5417 
Corporate Office: 784-5549 
Development Psychology: 784-5284 
Diabetes Education: 784-5388 
Diagnostic Imaging: 784-5567 
Diagnostic Imaging Appointments: 784-5440 
EKG: 784-5485 
EEG/EMG: 784-5486 
Education Services: 784-5360 
Employee Wellness Health & Safety: 784-6284 
Environmental Health: 637-5417 
Financial Inquiries - General Information: 784-6304 
Financial Inquiries - Accounts Payable: 784-5535 
Financial Inquiries - Accounts Receivable: 784-5287 
Financial Inquiries - Cashier: 784-5496 
Foundation: 784-5353 
Genetics: 784-5253 
Health Educator: 784-5677 
Health Promotion Consultants: 784-5677 
Health Records: 784-5470 
Hearing - Audiology: 784-5374 
Home Care: 634-5551 
Home Care Liaison Nurse: 634-5551 
Human Resources: 784-5367 
Infection Control: 784-5434 
Laboratory: 784-5464 
Laboratory Patient Inquiries: 784-6732 
Library: 784-5395 
Materials Management: 784-5386 
Medical Officer of Health: 784-5417 
Mental Health Rehab: 784-5346 
Nursing Administration: 784-5671 
Nutrition Services - Inpatient: 784-5426 
Occupational Health & Safety: 784-5100Occupational Rehab & Ergonomic Services: 784-6025 
Occupational Rehab & Ergonomic Serv ices: 784-6025 
Occupational Therapy: 784-5683/Occupational Therapy/Rehab: 784-2700 ext 2720 
Occupational Therapy - Community: 637-2602 
Ostomy Nurse: 784-6694 
Outpatients: 784-5576 
Spiritual/Pastoral Care: 784-5224 
Patient Information: 784-5000 
Parent and Child Health: 632-2917 
Pharmacy: 784-5263 
Physical Infrastructure Support: 784-5318 
Physiotherapy: 784-5582 
Physiotherapy Adult Rehab: 784-2700 ext 2721 
Physiotherapy - Children's Rehab: 784-5416 
Professional Practice: 784-6009 
Palliative Care: 784-2700 ext 2603 
Psychiatrist Office: 784-5601 
Quality Management & Research: 784-6800 
Regional Wound Care Specialist: 784-6149 
Reproductive Health: 784-5677 
Residential Services: 784-5235 
Respiratory Therapy: 784-5298 
School Health Promotion: 637-4021 
School of Nursing: 784-5489 
Security: 784-5444 
Social Work: 784-5371 
Speech Language Pathology: 784-5374 
Staff Scheduling: 784-5669 
Stores: 784-5518 
Volunteer Resources: 784-5369 
Wound Intervention Clinic: 784-6009 

Corner Brook Community Health Centre (1 Brookfield Avenue)

Audiology and Speech Language Pathology: 709-784-5374  
Autism Development Team: 709-784-5284  
Behavior Management Specialist: 709-637-2611  
Child Management Specialists: 709-784-5284  
Communicable Disease Control: 709-784-5417  
Development Psychology: 709-784-5284  
Diabetes Education: 709-784-5388  
Employee Wellness Health & Safety: 709-784-6284  
Environmental Health: 709-637-5417  
Financial Inquiries - General Information: 709-784-6304  
Financial Inquiries - Accounts Payable: 709-784-5535  
Financial Inquiries - Accounts Receivable: 709-784-5287  
Financial Inquiries - Cashier: 709-784-5496  
Genetics: 709-784-5253  
Hearing - Audiology: 709-784-5374  
Health Promotion Consultants: 709-784-5677  
Home Care: 709-634-5551  
Human Resources: 709-784-5367  
Library: 709-784-5395  
Occupational Health & Safety: 709-784-5100  
Occupational Rehab & Ergonomic Services: 709-784-6025  
Occupational Therapy - Community: 709-637-2602  
Psychiatrist Office: 709-784-5601  
School Health Promotion: 709-637-4021  
Volunteer Resources: 709-784-5369  
Western Regional School of Nursing: 709-784-5489

Corner Brook Long Term Care Home (40 University Drive)

General Information/Switchboard: 637-3999
Bakeapple Avenue North (3 North): 637-3931
Bakeapple Avenue South (3 South): 637-3932
Blueberry Crescent (Protective Care): 637-3993
Gooseberry Lane North (2 North): 637-3921
Gooseberry Lane South (2 South): 637-3922
Partridge Berry Place North (4 North): 637-3941
Partridge Berry Place South (4 South): 637-3942
Raspberry Road (1 South): 637-3992
Recreational Therapy: 637-3999, ext. 3518
Veteran's Affairs: 637-3991

Protective Community Residences
(Wheeler's Road)

Residence #1: 632-2191
Residence #2: 632-2192
Residence #3: 632-2193
Residence #4: 632-2194

Community Based Services - Population Health

Blomidon Place - Child & Adolescent Mental Health/Addiction: 709-634-4171 
Flexible Assertive Community Treatment Team (FACTT): 709-784-6822 
Humberwood Adult Mental Health & Addictions - Inpatient Addictions: 709-634-4506 
Community Health - Benoit's Cove: 709-789-2832 
Community Health - Meadows: 709-783-2123 
Community Health - Corner Brook: 709-632-2830 
Community Health - Pasadena:  709-686-5052 
Continuing Care/Home Nursing Care - Pasadena: 709-686-2547 
Community Support - Behaviour Management Specialist: 709-637-2602 
Community Support - Occupational Therapist: 709-637-2602 
Community Support - Manager: 709-637-2602 
Community Support - Social Worker: 709-637-2602 
Community Support - Home Support/Continuing Care: 709-634-5551 
Community Support - Financial Services: 709-637-6187 
Community Support - Adult Protection Line: 709-637-2280 
Continuing Care Nursing - Benoit's Cove: 709-789-3211 
Continuing Care Nursing - Meadows: 709-783-2026 
Continuing Care Nursing - Pasadena: 709-686-2547 
Manager of Community Supports: 709-637-2602 
Occupational Therapy: 709-637-2602 
Social Worker: 709-637-2602 
Primary Health Care Manager: 709-632-2923 

Western Memorial Health Clinic (3 Herald Avenue - Second Level)

General Information: 709-637-3900 
Diabetes Services 
Family Practice Clinic 
Medical Services: Pediatricians, Geriatrics, Transgender Health, Physiatry 
Blood Collection: 709-637-6732 

Western Long Term Care (100 Health Care Crescent)

General Information 709-784-2700 
Adult Rehab Unit (Level 0), extension 2601 
Palliative Care (Level 0), extension 2603 
Restorative Care (Level 1), extension 2611 
Birchview House (Level 1), extension 2612 
Shoreview House (Level 2), extension 2621 
Bayside House (Level 2), extension 2622 
Natures Haven House (Level 3), extension 2631 
Still Waters House (Level 3), extension 2632 
Valleyside House (Level 4), extension 2641 
Balsamview House (Level 4), extension 2642