Our Supporters
We could not purchase essential equipment for our local hospital without the generosity of our supporters. These include individuals, crafters and artisans, businesses, corporations, volunteer groups, and organizations that stand by us in every effort. Contributions of all sizes play a crucial role in acquiring the medical equipment our staff need to safely and effectively care for the people on the southwest coast. All donations are tax-deductible. Thanks to our supporters, we can continue to fund essential medical equipment for the Dr. Charles L. LeGrow Health Centre.The James Richard and Annie Clothier LeRiche Trust
With the passing of the late Calvin LeRiche in 2012, he made a very generous donation to the Dr. Charles L. LeGrow Health Centre Foundation, that will continue on for many years to come.
The late Mr. LeRiche established "The James Richard and Annie Clothier LeRiche Trust" and annually a donation is made to the Dr. Charles L. LeGrow Health Centre Foundation.
In February, 2013, the dedication of a plaque; which reads "The James Richard and Annie Clothier LeRiche Trust" was established and endowed by their son, the late Calvin LeRiche, to provide an annual perpetual bequest to the Dr. Charles L. LeGrow Health Care Foundation". This took place at the Health Centre and is located on our Memory Wall in the main entrance.
Since the initial donation for 2012 of $13,405.02 at the dedication in 2013, we have received the following annual bequests: