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The Sir Thomas Roddick Hospital Foundation is a registered charitable organization, Charitable Registration # 11925 4241 RR0001, that was established in 1987 to raise funds for the purchase of new and replacement medical equipment for the Sir Thomas Roddick Hospital.

The purpose of the Sir Thomas Roddick Hospital Foundation is to raise funds through endowments, bequests, and/or public campaigns to achieve its following objectives:

-Act as a fundraising body in support of the charitable objectives and programs of the Sir Thomas Roddick Hospital;

-Increase public awareness of the activities of the Sir Thomas Roddick Hospital including, where applicable, its regional and province-wide application;

-Encourage increased endowments and bequests from former patients and/or their families to supplement funding for equipment and research;

-Conduct public campaigns in support of particular or general equipment needs of the Sir Thomas Roddick Hospital and/or needs for clinical research.   

The Foundation of the Sir Thomas Roddick Hospital supports health measures and programs which allow the citizens of the Bay St. George/ Port au Port Region to have access to health care facilities in their own area. Its Board of Directors includes active, involved volunteer members nominated by the municipalities of Bay St. George, Port au Port Region, and appointed by the Board of Trustees of Sir Thomas Roddick Hospital. The members of the Foundation work in close supervision with the medical and administrative staff  of the Sir Thomas Roddick Hospital.

Board of Directors  2017-2018


 Laura Aylward - Chairperson

Evelyn Davis- Vice Chairperson
Janice Flynn- Treasurer
Lorraine Wells- Secretary


Glenna Ash
Erle Barrett
Kathleen Bourgeois
Bob Byrnes
Rosemary Fillatre

Valerie Hulan
Dave Kane
Rosie Keats
Ultan King
Dianne Marche
Sharon Melbourne
Lloyd Pye

Jan Smith

Associate Member

Don Gibbon