Bay St. George Long Term Care Centre

The Bay St. George Long Term Care Home has 114 beds and opened its doors on July 21, 1976.   The philosophy of long term care is delivered through a social model of care which fosters safe resident centered care and is aimed at providing the best possible quality of life for individuals who require institutional long term care services.   The delivery of services within a long term care home  reflects the diverse physical, cultural, social, emotional, spiritual, recreational and economic needs of the residents.

  • Long Term Stay Program - This program is designed to provide permanent long term care services to individuals who are no longer capable of living in their own home/community.   The activities and programs are designed to stimulate, promote and improve the functioning and independence of residents so that they can do as much as they can, as well as they can, for as long as they can.
  • Protective Care - This unit consists of 14 private and 4 semi-private rooms and a unique design for those individuals experiencing severe cognitive impairment which warrants a secure and dementia specific environment and who are mobile without aids.
  • Respite Care - There are times when an individual is admitted for a brief predetermined period of time to provide relief to the caregiver pending bed availability.

The general levels of care identified are:

  • Level III - individuals requiring a minimum of three hours of nursing care/supervision in a 24-hour period.
  • Level IV - individuals requiring ongoing professional healthcare because they have a technological dependency or need a medical device to compensate for the loss of a vital body function (approval pending available resources).
  • Protective Care - individuals experiencing severe mental/cognitive impairment with exit seeking behavior, which warrants a secure environment.

The Home has 114 beds with an allocation of:

  • 22 Protective Care beds
  • 92 Long Stay beds
  • Adult Day Support Program
  • Meals on Wheels
  • Congregate Housing
  • Affordable Housing for Seniors

Service Provision

Service provision includes nursing care, medical services, pharmacy, nutritional and dietetic services, social work, occupational and physiotherapy, recreation therapy, beautician services, behavior management specialist, and pastoral care services.


The monthly board and lodging rate is determined by the Department of Health and Community Services and fluctuates from time to time.  A financial assessment is required as part of the application process to long term care.

Application Process

To apply for admission to long term care, you must contact your local Public Health Nurse or Continuing Care Social Worker. The individual is assessed to determine his or her required level of care and the facility's capacity to meet the anticipated needs. A tour of the facility is strongly encouraged and contact may be made by phone to set up an appointment (646-5800, Ext. 0). Admissions are limited to those individuals who require Level III and Level IV nursing care.

Resident and Family Guide Long Term Care

Download the Family Presence Guidelines Long Term Care brochure
