Hand Hygiene Compliance Rates

Hand hygiene audits are completed in many areas of the organization through direct observation. Audits are a way of monitoring adherence to hand hygiene practices, but also to provide a means of feedback to employees on how well they are performing with hand hygiene. Hand hygiene compliance rates are posted regularly throughout our facilities to allow individual units and the public to see how well we are performing.

Trained hospital staff called hand hygiene auditors, observe health-care workers as they go into, and then leave a patient environment (room or bed space). Hand hygiene auditors observe whether the health-care provider cleaned his or her hands at the right times. 

Western Health reports on the rates before initial patient/patient environment contact (Moment 1) and after patient/patient environment contact (Moment 4).

July - September 2023

Total Compliance

Before Contact
(Moment 1)

After Contact
(Moment 4)




April - June 2023

Total Compliance

Before Contact
(Moment 1)

After Contact
(Moment 4)





Western Health Hand washing video


The Benefits of Handwashing 

Handwashing brochure 

How to Help Prevent Healthcare Associated Infections 

Hand Hygiene: How, Why and When? World Health Organization 



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