Mammography (Diagnostic/Routine)


The Diagnostic Mammography service provides:

  • A diagnostic mammogram for women/men who are symptomatic (breast lump, pain, etc.).
  • A routine mammogram for women who are outside the age group for the Breast Screening Program.
  • A certified Breast Imaging Technologist will complete a questionnaire, explain the examination and answer any questions you may have.
  • Routinely two views of each breast will be taken and checked by the technologist, if necessary additional views may be taken during your visit.
  • A radiologist will report the mammogram and your report will be sent to the doctor who ordered the mammogram.
  • An appointment is required and will be made through your physician's office.
  • You will be provided with a signed requisition from your doctor which is to brought with you for your appointment.
  • Do not wear deodorant/powder on the day of your mammogram.
  • Some patients experience discomfort when the breast is compressed during the mammogram.
Location Hours Contact

Western Memorial Regional Hospital, Corner Brook  
Medical  Imaging Department
Level 1, To register for your MI appointment, enter at level 0 or main entrance and proceed to level 1. All MI procedures will register at the MI registration desk. 

Monday to Friday:
8:00 PM. - 4:00  PM

Sir Thomas Roddick Hospital, Stephenville  
Medical Imaging Department
Ground Floor, OP/EMERG Entrance
Monday to Friday:
8:00  AM - 4:00  PM

Ext. 7292

Ext. 7452  
