Bone Mineral Densitometry (BMD)

BMD is used to measure the mineral content of bone and is used to diagnose bone diseases such as osteoporosis and osteopenia. It is a quick and painless test that usually requires about 15 minutes to complete. You should wear relaxed clothing (preferably slacks, shorts or jogging pants) preferably free of zippers, buttons, etc, and refrain from wearing jewelry.

  • No patient preparation required.
  • An appointment is required and will be made through your physician's office.
  • You will be provided with a signed requisition from your doctor which is to be brought with you for your appointment.
  • BMD exams cannot be performed for 5 days following contrast media examinations. Contrast media dye may be given by injection  or by way of digestive tract. Common examinations that require contrast media are Nuclear Medicine Bone Scans, IVP's, (kidney Xrays, CAT Scans and Barium Studies.
Location Hours Contact
Western Memorial Regional Hospital, Corner Brook
Medical Imaging Department
Level 1, To register for your MI appointment, enter at level 0 or main entrance and proceed to level 1. All MI procedures will register at the MI registration desk. Ground Floor, on the left side of the main corridor.
Monday to Friday:
8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
