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Community Asset Listings Available
“The Community Asset Listings provide insight into the resources that communities have available to support health and wellness,” said Darla King, Regional Director of Community Health. “Understanding a community’s strengths makes it easier to understand what kinds of programs or initiatives can be implemented to address the community’s needs.”
Western Health would like to acknowledge the continued contribution of Community Advisory Committees (CACs), which worked in partnership with Primary Health Care teams in the development of Community Asset Listings throughout the region. The CACs are made up from community members who have an interest in health and provide input into health initiatives in their communities. Western Health staff and CACs will work collaboratively to use the Community Asset Listings as a foundation for community improvement.
The Community Asset Listings are a portion of the Community Health Needs and Resources Assessment process that Western Health began in 2016. To date, surveys were completed in 2016, as well as seven regional focus groups completed in 2017.
The Community Asset Listing reports are available on Western Health’s website:
Bay St. George Area Community Asset Listings
Bonne Bay Area Community Asset Listings
Burgeo and Ramea Area Community Asset Listings
Corner Brook and Bay of Islands Area Community Asset Listings
Deer Lake White Bay Area Community Asset Listings
Port aux Basques Area Community Asset Listings
Port Saunders Area Community Asset Listings
Media Contact:
Tara J. Pye
Director of Communications
Western Health
T: 784-5252