There are times when you might have to make tough healthcare decisions for you, a loved one, or someone you are caring for. It may be hard to decide the best thing to do. The word “ethics” means thinking about our basic moral values and helping us understand what we should and should not do. When something doesn’t feel right, we can face an ethical problem.
The Western Health Code of Ethics provides the foundation for the identity and integrity of Western Health. The Code of Ethics shapes the organization's character and behaviour.
The Western Health Ethics Decision Making Process provides guidance when making difficult decisions. Typically, the ethical decision making process is where staff and program areas, as well as clients and families, start with making ethical decisions.
Western Health also has an Ethics Consultation Service that can help if you have an ethical issue. This service is available for patients, residents, families, staff, or anyone who needs help in making ethical decisions about health care. The discussion is led by an ethics team who bring together relevant parties to talk about the ethical issue.
If you are unsure if you need an ethics consultation, you can contact us or use the Ethics Screening Tool , to help you decide. This tool can help you simplify the issue and whether you need an ethics consultation.
To request an ethics consultation, please fill out the Ethics Consultation Request Form , and send it to the contact person below. You can also contact us for help completing the form.
For more information about Ethics at Western Health, please read our Ethics Framework or contact:
Sandra Lush
Regional Manager - Spiritual Health & Ethics or (709) 784-5224
Want to Learn More About Ethics in General? Check out these great websites for more information, as well as upcoming events and opportunities, recorded education sessions, podcasts, and articles:
- Memorial University Centre for Bioethics
- Canadian Bioethics Society
- Impact Ethics - a forum for discussion of and commentary on bioethical issues, presenting a diverse range of voices and perspectives
- It’s Complicated - a podcast from Nova Scotia Health Ethics Network about healthcare ethics in practice