Audiology (Hearing)

What is an Audiologist?

Audiologists identify, assess and provide intervention to individuals of all ages who have hearing loss or who are at risk of having hearing loss. Some clients are also seen for balance assessments, based on referral from an ear, nose and throat specialist.

What do we do?

A variety of tests can be completed depending on the age of the client and the concerns presented. Intervention is most commonly provided in the form of communication strategies as well as the recommendation of hearing aids if appropriate.

Audiologists in Western Health fit hearing aids through the Provincial Hearing Aid Program for those who qualify.

Audiologists also provide education to their clients, other professionals and the general public regarding topics related to hearing such as the signs of hearing loss and prevention of hearing loss.

Western Health offers an Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Program (EHDI). Infants born at Western Memorial Regional Hospital have their hearing screened by nursing staff. Any necessary follow-up on these infants is conducted through the Audiology Departments of Western Health following discharge from the hospital. Infants with any of the following high-risk factors for hearing loss are referred to the Audiology Department for assessment:

  • Family history of hearing loss.
  • Birthweight less than 1000 grams.
  • Congenital infections such as toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, and herpes.
  • Defects of ears, nose and throat (craniofacial anomalies).
  • Hyperbilirubinemia.
  • Ototoxic medications.
  • Low apgar scores.
  • Bacterial or viral meningitis.
  • Syndrome known to include sensorineural hearing loss.
  • Prolonged mechanical ventilation


Who can refer?

Referrals are accepted by a number of service providers.  Self-referrals are also accepted. 

Referrals for children are made through the Developmental Health Central Intake referral process. 

Download Preschool Referral Form here

Download Adult Referral Form here

How old does my child have to be to have his/her hearing tested? 

There is no age limit for hearing testing.

How long will I have to wait for a hearing test?

Referrals are prioritized based upon provincial prioritization guidelines.  Wait times vary depending upon the concern.  

Do you sell hearing aids?

No, Western Health does not sell hearing aids.  However, our Audiologists issue hearing aids through the Provincial Hearing Aid Program at no cost to those who qualify. These clients are initially seen in the Audiology Department for a hearing assessment. All children under the age of 19 and full-time post-secondary students with hearing loss automatically qualify. Additionally, lower income adults (as determined by financial assessment) with hearing loss may also be candidates for this program.  


Staff are located in Corner Brook and Stephenville. Travelling clinics to Norris Point and Port aux Basques are held regularly throughout the year.   

Corner Brook Community Health Centre
1 Brookfield Avenue, Corner Brook, NL, A2H 6J7
Telephone: (709) 784-5374

Fax:  (709) 637-5381


Rehabilitation Annex
127 Montana Drive
Stephenville, NL   A2N 2T4
Telephone: (709) 643-8690

Fax: (709) 643-3944  



Speech-Language and Audiology Canada

Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists

Canadian Academy of Audiologists

Canadian Hard of Hearing Association

American Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists