Provincial Health Shared Service Supply Chain

On July 20, 2017, the Health and Community Services Minister announced a Shared Services Model for Supply Chain for the province’s four Regional Health Authorities (RHAs) and the Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Health Information (NLCHI).  Please see the media release below:

Under the new shared services model, Central Health is the lead in order to provide a provincial service for supply chain on behalf of the other RHAs and NLCHI. In accordance with the Public Procurement Act, Delegations of Purchasing Authorities have been signed and all commodities being sourced and undergoing contract: creations, renewals, extensions, or terminations has been delegated to Central Health's Provincial Health Shared Services Supply Chain Department. They will source on behalf of the other four Health Organizations for all commodities.

The commodities will continue to be ordered by the Health Organizations under the contract terms established.

Effective, October 21, 2019 all provincial open call activities for the four RHAs and NLCHI will be consolidated under Central Health’s website.

If you have any questions, please email

Key Links:

-          Provincial Health Open Calls

-          Public Procurement Act