A stroke is a sudden loss of brain function. It is caused by the interruption of flow of blood to the brain (ischemic stroke) or the rupture of blood vessels in the brain (hemorrhagic stroke). The interruption of blood flow or the rupture of blood vessels causes brain cells (neurons) in the affected area to die.
The effects of a stroke depend on where the brain was injured, as well as how much damage occurred. A stroke can impact any number of areas including your ability to move, see, remember, speak, reason and read and write.
Stroke is a medical emergency. Recognizing and responding immediately to the stroke warning signs by calling 9-1-1 or your local emergency number can significantly improve survival and recovery.
For more information about stroke check out the following websites:
Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation
Public Health Agency of Canada
Up-to-date Patient Information
Services in your area that may help:
The Improving Health: My Way Program helps individuals with chronic health problems to manage their health, and maintain active and fulfilling lives, despite the challenges associated with chronic illnesses. For more information contact or look at our website.