Western Health’s Person and Family Centered Care (PFCC) Steering Committee is pleased to share “Our Commitment to You”. This document outlines Western Health’s commitment to our clients, patients, residents, and families which includes commitments such as safe care, respectful communication, and collaboration. “Our Commitment to You” also asks in turn that our patients, clients, residents, and families use respectful communication, ask questions if information is unclear, and be a participant in decisions in their care.
“Our Commitment to You” was developed in partnership with Western Health’s PFCC Advisors, the PFCC Steering Committee, the Long Term Care Advisory Council, the Hospital Care Advisory Council, the Community Advisory Committees, Human Resources, Quality, and was approved by the Board of Trustees. For more information about “Our Commitment to You” please contact Tara Noseworthy, Regional Client Relations Manager at clientrelations@westernhealth.nl.ca or 784-6802.