Problem Gambling Treatment

Gambling activities can include bingo, lotteries, break-open tickets, video lottery terminals (VLTs), sports betting, stock market speculation and online betting.

Clients attending Humberwood Centre for a problem with gambling will receive information designed to help them understand their gambling behaviour,develop strategies to cope with the impulse to gamble, and make the necessary lifestyle changes to support recovery from problem gambling.

Clients will attend all of the basic components of the program, as well as a number of specialized sessions specific to gambling. The Problem Gambling Program:

  • Challenges irrational thinking patterns and beliefs which sustain gambling behaviour
  • Explores unresolved grief and loss which may be related to gambling behaviour
  • Clients learn how to begin financial recovery, make restitution and develop strategies for handling money as part of recovery from gambling addiction.
  • Educational information on a variety of topics related to gambling.