User Fees

  • The fee for road ambulance is $115. There is also a $50 escort fee associated with ambulance services when it is medically required that an escort accompanies the client.
  • An Air Ambulance fee of $135 is charged to a client that is transported as a result of an approved air ambulance medevac.
  • If a client requires medical assistance by the ambulance personnel then refuses transportation or is deemed not to require road ambulance transport by medical authorities, a user fee ($115) is applicable.

Persons not Covered by the Provincial Program
Workers’ Compensation Cases
Members of the Canadian Armed Forces
R.C.M.P. personnel

  • Western Health will bill the client or organization for the entire cost associated with the  ambulance service.
  • The fees for road ambulance services for patients not covered under the provincial program are as follows:
    Ambulance Base Rate - $125 Administration Fee per trip
    Kilometer rate - $1.84 per kilometer
    User Fee - $115

  • Please note the number of kilometers charged is based on the complete trip which is from where it begins to where it ends (base to base).           
  • Clients will receive two bills: one from the service provider for the user fee, and one from Western Health for the ambulance base rate and the kilometer rate.
  • If air travel is required, clients will be billed for the full cost of air ambulance transport.
  • Failure to resolve outstanding accounts with Western Health will result in a referral to a Collection Agency.

All fees listed are subject to change.