Medical Communication Centre


On September 22, 2009 Western Health Paramedicine & Medical Transport officially launched a computer aided ambulance dispatch program. The program is called Ambulance Dispatch and Management System (ADAMS).

For the service area of Western Health, all inter-facility transports including routine patient transport requests originating in a community, town or city by road and air ambulance must be coordinated through Western Health’s Medical Communication Centre (MCC). This also includes helicopter charter requests for rural medical clinic access.

Paramedicine & Medical Transport has four main goals for ADAMS:

  • to coordinate patient transport by road and air ambulance
  • to ensure continued emergency ambulance response capability within each ambulance operator’s service area
  • to improve and ensure continuity of care at receiving health facilities
  • to ensure appropriate utilization of ambulance resources.

Any questions regarding ambulance transport can be directed to our ambulance transport coordinator Terry Northcott. Terry can be reached by telephoning the Medical Communication Centre at 784-5035 or 784-5036. Email