Mother’s Day Gifts will be Accepted for Patients and Residents

May 8, 2020

Mother’s Day is a very special day and many families traditionally spend the day visiting with their mothers. It is recognized that this year is very difficult for patients, residents and families with visitation restrictions in health care facilities. To celebrate Mother’s Day, Western Health’s facilities will be accepting gifts that will be passed along to patients and residents.

Gifts may include flowers, cards, food and clothing. Staff will be contacting families to inform them of the opportunity.

We ask families for their cooperation with our gifting instructions.

Please ensure that all items are marked with name and address for the delivery to the patient or resident.

  • Very large and heavy items will not be accepted as this will be difficult for staff to deliver.
  • Please remember to abide by scent policies, particularly if flowers will be the gift of choice. Flowers with strong scents or allergy inducing, including but not limited to Easter lilies and baby’s breath, are not permitted.
  • Items will be wiped down by wiping the outside of the container or bag with an Accel wipe.

Additionally, Western Health staff will continue to facilitate virtual visiting on Mother’s Day.