Sexually Transmitted Blood Borne Infections

A Sexually Transmitted Blood Borne Infection (STBBI) is an infection that is passed on from one person to another during sexual activity. There are many different types of STBBIs that can be passed on during oral sex, vaginal sex or anal sex. Some can even be passed on by skin-to-skin genital contact. It is important to treat STBBIs as soon as possible and not to spread them. Many can easily be cured, but if a STBBI is left untreated, it may cause other complications in the body. Some types of STBBs can cause infertility or even death.

STBBIs can be grouped into three families: Viral, Bacterial, and Parasitic/Fungal.

The easiest way to get sexually transmitted infections is by having unprotected sex (not using a condom). Using a condom is the most effective way to prevent getting a STBBI.

Your health is important and exposure to a sexually transmitted blood borne infection (STBBI) is a real threat to anyone's health. Sexually transmitted infections can be prevented - or at least your chances of getting one reduced - by knowing what they are.

Prevention is key; since many STBBIs show no obvious signs or symptoms, it is your responsibility, to yourself and to your partner, to avoid infection and to be tested if there is any doubt - and to inform a prospective partner if you have an infection.

It is important to know what causes STBBIs, how to spot them, and what to do if you catch one. The most important thing is to know how to prevent from getting one.

For more information, please visit Sexuality and U

(information adopted from Sexuality and U)