72 Hour Stool Fat

Before You Start...

  • For correct test results, follow these instructions carefully.

  • The sample must be collected in the preweighted containers provided by the Laboratory. No other sample container is acceptable.

  • There are 2 acceptable containers for collection. During the collection period, all feces (stool) must be placed in the containers.

  • Only stool should go into the collection containers. Do not let urine or toilet tissue mix with the sample.

Step 1
Collect ALL stool passed for a 72 hour (3 days) period.

Step 2
Collect all stools into the collection containers given to you by the laboratory.

Step 3
For a baby, stool from diapers is scraped into the collection containers.

Step 4
For an adult, collect the stool directly into the collection containers. Use the insert for the toilet seat to place container in while collecting.

Step 5
Label the container (s) as #1 and #2 respectively with the patient’s first and last name, MCP, and the START and FINISH date and time of collection of the sample.

Step 6
For sanitary reasons, the container must be enclosed in a plastic or paper bag.

Deliver the collection container to the laboratory as soon as possible after completion of the collection. (During normal hours of operation.) Return any unused containers to the laboratory when delivering specimens.

You must present your MCP and your Requisition to the Laboratory Personnel.

For Example...

• Collect FIRST sample - on October 1st, at 7:00 a.m. This time is noted as the START TIME.

• Write the START TIME AND DATE on the collection container label.

• Collect ALL stool samples for a complete 72 hours.

• Collect LAST sample - October 4th at 7:00 a.m. This time is noted as the FINISH TIME.

• Write the FINISH TIME and DATE on the collection container label.